First, invite people by email with a sppoky picture or by giving a flyer to the kids. They love it! So, you have to make a flyer. I’ve put three different pictures, you can use one of them or use any picture of your choice. Here is an example of the text you can write: “Dear all, If you’d like to participate by offering candy to trick-or-treaters and going around for it, ask your parents to write to _____________ at ________________@_____. This is the person organizing this year’s event in this area. You will receive an email explaining what you have to do. Anyway, we wish you all a Happy Halloween!”

This is the first mail you can send once people have written to you:
Halloween trick-or-treat organisation
I’ve added your name to our trick or treat list for ____day October 31st.
I’ll send out the complete list of all the people participating a few days
before Halloween. Then, your kids, accompanied by an adult, will
be able to go to any of those places to ask for sweets. For anyone who
hasn’t done this before, it is usually more fun for the kids to go together
with a couple of friends.
You will need an adult at your place to give the sweets you’ve bought for the kids
who are coming. Since this isn’t too common in this country, please put some
sort of decoration on your door, so the children know for certain which door it
is. We don’t want to bother the neighbours by accident! If nobody
can stay to open the door you could leave a basket full of sweets in front of
your door with a note.
Let’s limit our trick-or-treating to between 5:30 and 7:30pm.
Could you please give me your address and any information needed to buzz your
apartment/house (for example, the name on the buzzer, the building door code,
floor, …)?
If you want to be removed from the list, please tell us before October 27th.
We’ve given out flyers to the children we know, but this is not necessarily
limited to them. If you have friends living nearby in the neighbourhood
who’d like to participate, ask them to send me an email at _____________@_____
Happy Halloween!
2nd mail sent a week before Halloween:
Halloween is next week!
Dear Parents,
Dear Children,
I hope your scary Halloween costumes are prepared and the buckets for the sweets
collection are waiting to be filled.
Just before we take off_ herewith a few last reminders for the evening:
1. Form small groups of 3-6 kids.
Please contact me, if you are not in a group, and I will put you in contact
with other families who are also looking for a group.
2. Each group will start independently from each other at 5:30pm and then will Trick or Treat independently from each other. I will send a map and a list of people who are
participating; so we’ll be sure you know where to find sweets.
3. We propose to ask the children to learn in advance one of the following poems/songs or any of your choice and recite them when they knock on doors at the Trick or Treating.
4. Please try not to scare all the neighbourhood with wild screaming and shouting. As we all know, people mostly enjoy peacefulness and therefore a bit sensitive to loud noise.
5. Please limit yourself to 1 big or 3 small sweets per child unless you owe a favour to your dentist.
6. In case there is no one at home, please make sure there is a basket with sweets outside of your door.
7. We all finish “Trick or Treating” at 7:30pm at the latest.
Here with two Halloween poems and two songs,
I hope you like them:
Trick or Treat!
Trick or Treat!
Smell my feet!
Gimme something,
Good to eat!
Trick or Treat
Trick or Treat! Trick or Treat!
Give me something good to eat.
Give me candy. Give me cake.
Give me something good to take.
The night is dark
and the goblins are out,
and the witches and black cats
are prowling about.
And costumed creatures
the strangest I’ve seen,
are knocking on doors
‘cause tonight’s Halloween!
And two songs: and
Have fun and Happy Halloween!!
3rd mail sent on October 28th:
Treat or Trick Map

Hello everyone,
Here is the precious list of all the participants and the map which will help you find ALL the sweets!
If you wish to make changes, please send me an email before ____day and I will send the last list and the last map on ____day morning.
Good hunting!
1. D______
Route de ______ 21
Ground floor on the right.
Entrance code: ________.
2. D____
Route de ______ 58,
2nd floor
3. F____
Rue M______ 13
1st floor
Code: ________
4. H_____
Rue M______ 13
5th floor – Flat n°51
Code: _______
5. J______
Avenue ______ , 10
Flat n°32 ( 3rd Floor)
on the Door: _________
Building Door Code : __________
6. J___________
Rue M______ 13
6th floor
7. M________
Rue______ 11
(behind Shell) last floor ( 7th ) , right door ;
Entrance code: ________
From 7pm.
8. O________
Rue de ______ 16
The candy will be in a bowl in the lobby of the building
9. O____
Rue de ______ 26
Take the lift on the left, go to the 3rd floor and then take the stairs to the 4th floor.
Entrance code: _________
10. R______
Rue ______ 25,
2ème étage droite
Entrance code: _________
11. T______
Plateau de ______ 18
2nd floor
Door code _______
From 6pm.
4th mail sent only to those who haven’t sent their details.
Last day to register!
I’ve added your name to our treat and tricks list for ____day October 31st.
There are already about _____ families participating! I’ll send out the complete list of all the people participating a few days before Halloween.
Could you please give me:
your family name:
your address:
and any information needed to buzz your apartment (name on the buzzer, floor,
building door code,…)?:
This is the last day to register.
Could you please confirm that you want to be part of the Treat or Tricks by sending me the info that I need to make the map.
See you soon.
After the event
Thank you!
Dear all!
Thanks to you all treat-or-Trick or treating yesterday was a huge success!
The kids were so happy!!
Everybody had fun going round your places; thanks for your sometimes warm sometimes very spooky welcomes and – SWEETS !
Click here to see the pictures I have already received:____________________
Please send yours!