
They make Putin laugh

Donald Trump is an agent of Putin who has enough leverage on him. Therefore, the White House decisions over the last 4 years have been in favour of Russia at the expense of the United States interests.

This is the simple truth as explained by ex head of FBI counter-espionnage Peter Strozk.

Peter Strzok: What I Saw With Trump Is ‘Deeply Concerning’ – Morning Joe – MSNBC:

But simple inconvenient truth can be too hard to accept for some who are then tempted to endorse a conspiracy theory. 

Today its last avatar is the globally spread group QAnon. There have been many similar cults in the recent past. But this time they are millions, connected, endorsed by Donald Trump, many are armed and intimidating.  No proof is good enough to reason them since truth itself has been assailed since years. 

Ignoring facts and bending statistics have long been a strategy to lure citizens, but during the early 2000s, President W. Bush and many industries like Monsanto hired bogus scientists to publish papers denying climate change and the the toxicity of their products. The media fell for it with their “quote both sides” format. Audiences were under the impression that there were as many pros dans cons to any science fact that was previously universally agreed. As a consequence people have lost progressively lost their referrals, science facts are often labelled as simple opinions and it became increasingly difficult to debunk bogus theories.

Lies, damned lies and Donald Trump: How the Reagan and Bush assaults on truth and science may presage what’s coming. – Salon

Science publishing: The trouble with retractions – Nature:

This dangerous mix makes them de facto a re-branded nazi mouvement, empowering its saviour Donald Trump to destroy all that was left of democracy in the US, to the great satisfaction of Vladimir Putin who we know pulls many strings to Russia’s benefit.

QAnon is a widespread nazi cult, enlisting normal people by raising fear of hidden plots and supporting Donald Trump who will protect them. This is a grave imminent danger to our nations.

Conspiracy theories – Last Week Tonight with John Oliver : 

How Conspiracy Theories Are Shaping the 2020 Election—and Shaking the Foundation of American Democracy – Time Magazine :

Why is QAnon going global? – BBC World Service:

QAnon is a nazi cult, rebranded – Just Security: 

The Week QAnon Became Everyone’s Problem – Defense One:

America’s neo-Nazis don’t look to Germany for inspiration. They look to Russia. – The Washington Post:

If you ask yourself why nobody stopped the nazis in their ascension to power in 1930s, think about what you could do today.

Meeting Snowden – Arte:

QAnon groups hit by Facebook crackdown – NBC News:

Twitter announces broad crackdown on QAnon accounts and content – The Guardian:

To whomever can act, this is the time to think about where goes your loyalty. To this administration? To orders? To this nation? QAnon fascists and Donald Trump treason have become everyone’s problem.

La théorie du complot QAnon se mondialise – Vice:

Aurianne Or by Aurianne Or is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0