When you type “abolish the senate” in google, you realize that many countries want to abolish it. It is high time to replace it with the popular initiative referendum.
The Senate prevented Obama from governing (500 blockades) and left Trump in power. The case of Trump’s impeachment on December 19, 2019, which was acquitted by the Senate on February 5, 2020, is revealing. After the insurrection on Capitol Hill, one feels their responsibility.
No to same-sex marriage in Ireland. No to the authorization of abortion in Argentina. Reduction in the age at which children can give consent to sexual activity in France (from 15 to 13 years old). The examples abound.
They are elected by the mayors of cities except in the United States where they are elected by states. The principle of one person, one vote is in fact violated. The multiplication of states and agglomerations favors right-wing parties whatever the vote of the people.
In France, the Republican Party, which represents only 10% of the voters in France, has a majority in the Senate.
The Senate has blocked the extension of the referendum wanted by Mitterrand and is preparing to block the referendum project at the initiative of the people and the inclusion of climate protection in the constitution wanted by Emmanuel Macron and his people.
It is a blocking chamber. They have the power to say no to the representatives of the people.
Filibuster: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver – Last week tonight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y1QA6OeAcQ&feature=youtu.be
Abolish the Senate – The Baffler: https://thebaffler.com/salvos/abolish-the-senate-geoghegan
The Senate is undemocratic and it matters – Vox: https://www.vox.com/2015/1/6/7500935/trende-senate-vote-share
Des sénateurs très remontés contre Jospin. Le Premier ministre veut réformer leur élection – Libération: https://www.liberation.fr/france/1998/04/22/des-senateurs-tres-remontes-contre-jospin-le-premier-ministre-veut-reformer-leur-election_233719
Le Sénat est une anomalie parmi les démocraties, Lionel Jospin (21 avril 1998) – DDJ: https://www.doc-du-juriste.com/droit-public-et-international/droit-constitutionnel/dissertation/senat-anomalie-parmi-democraties-lionel-jospin-21-avril-1998-454887.html
Grand débat : et si on supprimait le Sénat ? – Le Parisien: https://www.leparisien.fr/politique/grand-debat-et-si-on-supprimait-le-senat-28-02-2019-8021928.php
Cette fois, il est temps de supprimer le Sénat – Slate: http://www.slate.fr/story/82051/supprimer-senat