Vth Republic, still there…
The French Fifth Republic gives too much power to the president, who can behave like a monarch without listening to the demands of the people. Thanks to the 49.3, he can pass decrees without the opinion of the elected parliament. He can choose his prime minister without taking the people’s vote into account. He can…
Only 4,600 exhausted police officers to supervise the demonstrators
Only 4,600 exhausted police officers to supervise the demonstrators On December the 1st 2018, violence broke out in Paris. The government has decided not to properly manage the demonstration. Only 4,600 “end-of-pipe” police officers, as Yves Lefebvre of the Unité-SGP Police FO union says, were mobilized. About thirty French police officers committed suicide this year. It…
Discover the list of claims of the yellow vests
No homeless, pensions, maximum salary… Discover the list of claims of the “yellow vests”The movement sent a press release to the media and MPs with about 40 demands on Thursday. https://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/transports/gilets-jaunes/zero-sdf-retraites-superieures-a-1-200-euros-salaire-maximum-a-15-000-euros-decouvrez-la-longue-liste-des-revendications-des-gilets-jaunes_3077265.html The claims of the “yellow vests” now officially go beyond the issue of fuel prices alone. In a lengthy statement sent to the media…
The situation of yellow vests today
The situation of yellow vests today 1) Fed up with the tax rate in general (fuel prices, taxes and payroll taxes). Is this justified? According to the figures, YES. “The average French employee recovers two days of purchasing power in 2018 while remaining the most taxed in the European Union (EU). He works until July…
Wishing a safe journey to the yellow vests
Wishing a safe journey to the yellow vests The movement began because many people were outraged by the sharp rise in fuel prices. Let’s welcome their first popular success on Saturday, November 17, 2018 when they blocked access to supermarkets. Do you think they will turn to other less dangerous means of action such as…