Tag: who

  • Ayn Rand ist heute populär, aber es führt zur Zerstörung, welche Lösungen gibt es?

    Ayn Rand ist heute populär, aber es führt zur Zerstörung, welche Lösungen gibt es?

    Die Gedanken von Ayn Rand tauchen seit Anfang der 2010er Jahre wieder auf. Zwischen 2012 und 2020 stand ihr Buch Atlas Shrugged nach der Bibel auf Platz zwei der meistverkauften Bücher in den USA, 30 Jahre nach ihrem Tod. Friday essay: We all live in the world of Ayn Rand, egomaniac godmother of libertarianism. Can…

  • Ayn Rand is popular today; but her ideas lead to destruction, what are the solutions?

    Ayn Rand is popular today; but her ideas lead to destruction, what are the solutions?

    Ayn Rand’s ideas have grown since the early 2010s. Between 2012 and 2020, her book Atlas Shrugged was the second biggest seller in the USA after the Bible, thirty years after her death. Friday essay: We all live in the world of Ayn Rand, egomaniac godmother of libertarianism. Can fiction help us navigate it? –…

  • Homemade drinks – Hot or cold but not as sugary

    Homemade drinks – Hot or cold but not as sugary

    Homemade drinks – Hot or cold but not as sugary Yes, yes, still water is healthier, from the tap when you are lucky or bottled water. And yes, yes, breastmilk is better for babies and Moms (except in serious cases). (WHO recommendations on infant feeding: https://www.who.int/nutrition/topics/infantfeeding_recommendation/en) But when you want to indulge yourself… and especially…

  • Pay attention to toilets

    Pay attention to toilets

    Guggenheim museum reportedly offered the White House a golden toilet: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/01/25/politics/guggenheim-white-house-van-gogh-toilet/index.html If Donald Trump was responsible he would pay more attention to toilets. Bill Gates and WHO do. WHO – Reinventing the toilet for 2.5 billion in need: http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/92/7/14-020714/en You can save 70% of water in developed countries by changing your toilet flush for a model invented…

  • Do help Mrs Dalloway!

    Do help Mrs Dalloway!

    Mrs. Dalloway – Virginia Woolf – eBook: https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/w/woolf/virginia/w91md Mrs Dalloway’s 1997 film: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119723/?ref_=nv_sr_1 What Singapore, Norway and Switzerland have in common ? According to OECD (http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/noncommunicable-diseases/mental-health/data-and-statistics), they are the 3 most advanced countries in the world. They also share the same approach to justice and mental health by providing their citizens with a system common to all.…

  • Sugar Smart

    Sugar Smart

    When talking about sugar, the difference between table sugar you use when you cook and industrial sugar that is used in ultra-processed food is striking. Unless you have a real disorder, too much sugar tastes bad. Industrial sugar like glucose syrup or HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) will not taste sweet. You won’t tell when…