Pay attention to toilets
Guggenheim museum reportedly offered the White House a golden toilet: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/01/25/politics/guggenheim-white-house-van-gogh-toilet/index.html If Donald Trump was responsible he would pay more attention to toilets. Bill Gates and WHO do. WHO – Reinventing the toilet for 2.5 billion in need: http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/92/7/14-020714/en You can save 70% of water in developed countries by changing your toilet flush for a model invented…
Prisoners thinking, not sinking
“All your life, you will be faced with a choice. You can choose love or hate… I choose love.” Johnny Cash « Celui qui ouvre une porte d’école, ferme une prison. » Victor Hugo
Le savon
Le meilleur désinfectant & le meilleur détachant The best disinfectant & the best stain remover – C’est pas sorcier sur le savon: https://youtu.be/AD9XD9eEL5A et émission complète: https://youtu.be/BX1_SQIi5_k Extrait de Copain des Sciences. – Le lavage des mains – Naître et grandir: http://naitreetgrandir.com/fr/mauxenfants/sante/fiche.aspx?doc=lavage-mains – Des biocides au rayon cosmétiques – Que choisir: https://www.quechoisir.org/actualite-savons-desinfectants-sanytol-et-dettol-des-biocides-au-rayon-cosmetiques-n8181/ – Savon de Marseille – quels…
Pain à l’oeil
“Pain à l’oeil” is a play on word with “pain à l’ail” which means garlic bread. “A l’oeil” means in French that you do not measure or weigh the ingredients but rather you look at the aspect of what you are cooking to know the quantities you need for each ingredient. I tried many recipes…
I SHE was scared by all these men dying at sea — in this dangerous impetuous Galician sea. So they had crossed the ocean, fleeing the poverty and famish of their village, — called Orro for it was close to the gold and God of Santiago. And they found this land, where, he, the fisherman,…
I often dream of floods, or overwhelming suffocation seas, or just of being alone in an inhospitable brown river. And yet, I always feel like it’s related to my child. It rings a bell to my being a mother, who can love as vastly as these shady waters; But I feel I have to let…