Tag: vote

  • Des manifestants qui réussissent

    Des manifestants qui réussissent

    Petit retour sur les quatre premières semaines de manifestations des Gilets jaunes en 2018 et sur ce qu’ils ont obtenu : – Abandon de la hausse de la taxe sur les carburants – Abandon de la hausse de la taxe sur les retraités – Hausse du salaire minimum – Le gouvernement réfléchit à l’idée d’inscrire…

  • The Modern “chiffon rouge”

    The Modern “chiffon rouge”

    When people organize to improve their conditions, there are results. When people organize to improve their conditions, there are results. They don’t need representatives to speak for them, instead of them. When staff unions live off the backs of union members, they no longer defend them, they scare them into staying in the union. If…

  • Only two candidates to choose from

    Only two candidates to choose from

    There is a lack of democracy, justice and unity in the United States. The choice is limited: Harris or Trump. People who vote for Kamala Harris are choosing a country where citizens co-exist with equal rights. People who vote for Trump are choosing a country where people co-exist but with unequal access to the law.…

  • Having the majority of political power without the majority of votes

    Having the majority of political power without the majority of votes

    The voting system in France, whether for the presidential or legislative elections, is not proportional. Only the candidates with the most votes go through to the second round. It favours the big parties with an undisputed leader. The Fifth Republic was created for one man, Charles de Gaulle, who was the undisputed leader of a…

  • Avoir la majorité du pouvoir sans la majorité des votes

    Avoir la majorité du pouvoir sans la majorité des votes

    Le mode de scrutin que ce soit à la présidentielle ou aux législatives en France n’est pas proportionnel. Seuls les candidats qui ont le plus de voix vont au second tour. Il favorise les gros partis avec un leader incontesté. La Vème République a été crée pour un homme, Charles de Gaulle qui était un…

  • 2024 UK general election: choosing the Right or the Left.

    2024 UK general election: choosing the Right or the Left.

    The Left and the Right are two ideologies that recognise the importance of having elites. For the Right, some people are considered to have fewer rights than others: women, black people, workers, etc. The elite is composed of Oxbridge. The people have to sacrifice on their housing, health and education to give to the elites.…

  • Législatives 2024: choisir la gauche ou la droite.

    Législatives 2024: choisir la gauche ou la droite.

    Le gouvernement actuel contrôle presque tous les médias et affirme que ce sont les élections du centre contre les extrêmes. C’est un mensonge qui marche. La gauche et la droite sont deux idéologies qui reconnaissent l’importance d’avoir des élites. A droite, on considère que certains ont moins de droits que les autres: la femme, le…

  • Bali, une démocratie traditionnelle, un système social classé par l’unesco

    Bali, une démocratie traditionnelle, un système social classé par l’unesco

    Suback est un mot balinais qui date entre le 9ème et le 11ème siècle. Il s’agit d’une association villageoise qui s’occupe de l’eau, des droits sur l’eau et de l’irrigation. C’est une institution sociale et religieuse et elle est écologiquement durable. Cette association d’agriculteurs est démocratique. Elle partage la responsabilité des eaux d’irrigation communes, point…

  • Bali, a Traditional Democracy, a UNESCO-listed Social System

    Bali, a Traditional Democracy, a UNESCO-listed Social System

    In Bali, suback is a balinese word which dates from the 9th-11th century. It is a village association that deals with water, water rights and irrigation. It is a social and religious institution and it is ecologically sustainable. This democratic association of farmers shared responsibility for shared irrigation waters; an important subject as the rice-terraces…

  • Contempt is not automatic

    Contempt is not automatic

    At the Vernets fire station, around noon, you could find a queue speaking all languages that blocked two streets in Geneva. A person shouts: “We have to queue while we get here to get them fucked”. The tone rises, the irritation is felt, which gives a rather negative image of foreigners to the people of…