Why wait 2000 years to adopt a natural and more efficient way to grow food?
“The recycling of organic wastes was perfected over centuries in Europe. But their Nitrogen content is only 0.5% and the heavy labor of collecting and distributing up to 40 tons of wastes per acres of city execra resulted in an overall loss of 60% of energy loss per cultivated acre. Green manuring was used by…
Energy and Civilization – Vaclav Smil
How energy makes life possible – Bill Gates: https://www.gatesnotes.com/Books/Energy-and-Civilization?WT.mc_id=12_15_2017_07_EOYBooks2017EnergyCivilization_BG-TW_&WT.tsrc=BGTW&linkId=45942398 Energy and Civilization – Vaclav Smil