The Rust Belt
The Rust Belt made the eastern USA rich and prosperous. From 1850 to 1980, the largest American companies were located near the Great Lakes: US Steel, Ford, General Motors, etc. Millions of Americans worked in these factories, at first in difficult conditions, then these conditions improved thanks to the organization of workers into unions. These…
Arizona, Nevada and California Dream
Californians are leaving California because housing is terribly expensive, and beggary and poverty are everywhere on the streets. Inequality is toxic: the state has the most billionaires and the most homeless people in the US. Tens of thousands of residents of Nevada and Arizona are seeing their housing prices soar as a result of the…
Only two candidates to choose from
There is a lack of democracy, justice and unity in the United States. The choice is limited: Harris or Trump. People who vote for Kamala Harris are choosing a country where citizens co-exist with equal rights. People who vote for Trump are choosing a country where people co-exist but with unequal access to the law.…
European defense
In the event of a Russian attack on a European country, the United States will not help Europe, or not enough, either because it will not want to assume its role as a NATO ally, or because 60% of the US Senate is needed to help. Candidate Donald Trump boasts that he won’t help European…
40 ans, un risque maîtrisé?
Utiliser des centrales nucléaires âgées de 40 ans, un risque maîtrisé? A quand les autres énergies? Votez aux législatives 2017! Pour en savoir plus: -Le parisien: http://www.leparisien.fr/espace-premium/actu/mais-dans-quel-etat-sont-nos-centrales-nucleaires-16-03-2016-5630383.php -Le journal de l’énergie: http://journaldelenergie.com/nucleaire/diagnostic-alarmant-edf-diesels-secours-reacteurs et http://journaldelenergie.com/nucleaire/systemes-secours-depasses-reacteurs-nucleaires-edf/ – L’OCDE: https://www.oecd.org/fr/presse/la-france-s-est-fixe-des-objectifs-ambitieux-en-matiere-d-environnement.htm et le rapport complet: http://www.keepeek.com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/environment/examens-environnementaux-de-l-ocde-france-2016_9789264252592-fr#.WRxi9FKB3NA#page1 –Bastamag: https://www.bastamag.net/Emmanuel-Macron-se-revelera-t-il-aussi-mediocre-que-Francois-Hollande-sur-l – FI: https://laec.fr/section/39/100-d-energies-renouvelables-en-2050 Le changement climatique impose de sortir des énergies émettrices de gaz à effet de serre.…