Tag: united states

  • The workers

    The workers

    “Saluez, riches heureux,  /“Salute, you happy rich, Ces pauvres en haillons / These poor in rags Saluez, ce sont eux, / Salute them, they’re the ones Qui gagnent vos millions” / Who earn your millions” Song by the Penn Sardin of Douarnenez, 1905. Wealth in Europe and America has been and continues to be built…

  • The Rust Belt

    The Rust Belt

    The Rust Belt made the eastern USA rich and prosperous. From 1850 to 1980, the largest American companies were located near the Great Lakes: US Steel, Ford, General Motors, etc. Millions of Americans worked in these factories, at first in difficult conditions, then these conditions improved thanks to the organization of workers into unions. These…

  • Arizona, Nevada and California Dream

    Arizona, Nevada and California Dream

    Californians are leaving California because housing is terribly expensive, and beggary and poverty are everywhere on the streets. Inequality is toxic: the state has the most billionaires and the most homeless people in the US. Tens of thousands of residents of Nevada and Arizona are seeing their housing prices soar as a result of the…

  • Only two candidates to choose from

    Only two candidates to choose from

    There is a lack of democracy, justice and unity in the United States. The choice is limited: Harris or Trump. People who vote for Kamala Harris are choosing a country where citizens co-exist with equal rights. People who vote for Trump are choosing a country where people co-exist but with unequal access to the law.…

  • European defense

    European defense

    In the event of a Russian attack on a European country, the United States will not help Europe, or not enough, either because it will not want to assume its role as a NATO ally, or because 60% of the US Senate is needed to help. Candidate Donald Trump boasts that he won’t help European…

  • 40 ans, un risque maîtrisé?

    40 ans, un risque maîtrisé?

    Utiliser des centrales nucléaires âgées de 40 ans, un risque maîtrisé? A quand les autres énergies? Votez aux législatives 2017! Pour en savoir plus:  -Le parisien: http://www.leparisien.fr/espace-premium/actu/mais-dans-quel-etat-sont-nos-centrales-nucleaires-16-03-2016-5630383.php -Le journal de l’énergie: http://journaldelenergie.com/nucleaire/diagnostic-alarmant-edf-diesels-secours-reacteurs et http://journaldelenergie.com/nucleaire/systemes-secours-depasses-reacteurs-nucleaires-edf/ – L’OCDE: https://www.oecd.org/fr/presse/la-france-s-est-fixe-des-objectifs-ambitieux-en-matiere-d-environnement.htm  et le rapport complet: http://www.keepeek.com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/environment/examens-environnementaux-de-l-ocde-france-2016_9789264252592-fr#.WRxi9FKB3NA#page1 –Bastamag: https://www.bastamag.net/Emmanuel-Macron-se-revelera-t-il-aussi-mediocre-que-Francois-Hollande-sur-l – FI: https://laec.fr/section/39/100-d-energies-renouvelables-en-2050   Le changement climatique impose de sortir des énergies émettrices de gaz à effet de serre.…