Tag: transportation

  • Hydrogen-powered aircraft

    Hydrogen-powered aircraft

    Which is better, the plane or the train? The plane pollutes more, but it’s faster, more convenient and cheaper than the train. Trains are expensive in terms of infrastructure and space: stations, rails, track maintenance, etc. Oil lobbies compete with nuclear lobbies. Yet aviation and ecology can be reconciled. Hydrogen-powered aircraft pollute less than trains.…

  • Zero emission transport

    Zero emission transport

    Producing hydrogen by electrolysis of water using various primary sources of carbon-free energy (wind, sun, water) could prove useful for trucks (which contribute 25% of CO2 emissions in the transport sector), public transport and boats. Unlike electric cars, which consume lithium, the use of which is harmful to the environment, hydrogen produced by electrolysis of…

  • Exit the problem!

    Exit the problem!

    To know the legislation in your country, click on your country here: LEGOSH Occupational Safety and Health (OSH): https://www.ilo.org/dyn/legosh/en/f?p=14100:1000:0::NO::: Bataclan 2015 –  Heysel Stadium 1985 – World trade center 2001 – Overloaded boats with passengers Africa Asia – Grenfell tower 2017-  Mecca 2015- Miners in Chile 2010 Ponte Morandi a Genova, una tragedia annunciata?:http://www.ingegneri.info/news/infrastrutture-e-trasporti/ponte-morandi-genova-analisi-infrastrutturale/  Let’s keep the proportions…