Tag: support

  • Gris


    Gris Education à ce qu’est la dépression, pour une meilleure compréhension de ce que vivent les victimes, pour que les victimes comprennent mieux ce qui leur arrive  Education about what depression is, for a better understanding of what victims are going through, so that victims better understand what is happening to them Gris Review –…

  • Go, Go, Go!

    Go, Go, Go!

    Thank you for opening the town halls for complaints, more than a step before opening them for the referendums. Operation “open town halls” on Saturday, December the 8th: “In this troubled period, mayors can connect citizens and the State”: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/transports/gilets-jaunes/operation-mairies-ouvertes-samedi-dans-cette-periode-trouble-les-maires-peuvent-relier-les-citoyens-et-letat_3087821.html Kneeling protester: A new symbol of the YellowVests? | RT: https://www.rt.com/news/445965-protesters-kneel-police-students Les GiletsJaunes se mettent à…

  • Black green red blue

    Black green red blue

    Their black eyes, my black rings,Green with rage,She hit them again.He had another tantrum.Calm down, you’re bright red.Give me a hug, a little less abrupt,I don’t want to have blue bruises. Everyone has their own opinionBenevolent or not,On children with special needs.« Honey, don’t play with them, you’ll scare them. »« No, don’t invite this one, she’s…