Yes to educational freedom for all!
The mission of national education is to educate future citizens and reduce inequalities in opportunities for success. Recent French governments have shown no willingness to fulfill these missions. Indeed, in UNICEF’s “Innocenti 13” report, France is ranked 28th out of 35 EU/OECD countries in terms of inequality and well-being among children. (https://www.unicef.fr/article/inegalites-entre-les-enfants-la-france-28e-sur-35-pays-riches/). The demands of…
“I once calculated that I did about one thousand hours of work in the three years I was at Oxford-an average of an hour a day. I am not proud of this lack of work. I’m just describing my attitude at the time, shared by most of my fellow students”.
Stephen Hawking – A brief history of time by Errol Morris (film 1991)