Tag: strike

  • The Modern “chiffon rouge”

    The Modern “chiffon rouge”

    When people organize to improve their conditions, there are results. When people organize to improve their conditions, there are results. They don’t need representatives to speak for them, instead of them. When staff unions live off the backs of union members, they no longer defend them, they scare them into staying in the union. If…

  • Fed up with strikes? Ask for referendums!

    Fed up with strikes? Ask for referendums!

    It’s not up to the streets nor the government to decide, it’s up to the people! Strikes and revolutions don’t always lead to democracy. Sometimes they even lead to dictatorship. This is described in George Orwell’s Animal Farm. Another example is the Arab Spring revolutions. Beware of great liberators, the people must act for themselves.…