Tag: staff unions

  • The richest 1% are at war with the rest of the world

    The richest 1% are at war with the rest of the world

    “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” Warren Buffett – Good Reads: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/123058-there-s-class-warfare-all-right-but-it-s-my-class-the “Terrorism is the war of the poor. War is the terrorism of the rich.” Ustinov Peter: https://www.grainesdepaix.org/fr/ressources/sinspirer/aphorismes/le-terrorisme-est-la-guerre-des-pauvres-la-guerre-est-le-terrorisme-des-riches What does this war involve? In France, as elsewhere, the role of national education…

  • The Modern “chiffon rouge”

    The Modern “chiffon rouge”

    – Le Chiffon Rouge, Chanson de lutte et d’espoir, a 36 ans – CGT Dieppe: http://www.cgt-dieppe.fr/article-le-chiffon-rouge-chanson-de-lutte-et-d-espoir-a-36-ans-119359772.html – Le chiffon rouge – Michel FUGAIN : https://youtu.be/Yl3A19HxhwM?si=qwTjI5Jde-b89YqT – Grievance handling – ILO: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—ed_protect/—protrav/—travail/documents/publication/wcms_622209.pdf – The Global Deal: http://www.theglobaldeal.com – Digital trade unions will empower tomorrow’s sharing economy employees – Wired: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/gig-economy-digital-unions – Social Dialogue and Industrial Relations:Global…