Tag: solidarity

  • A united Europe to protect our standards!

    A united Europe to protect our standards!

    Europe is the world’s largest market. It’s the market that offers the greatest safety for its citizens. There are standards for testing food, medicines, products, vehicles and so on. Deregulation is on Trump’s agenda at the request of billionaires like Elon Musk, the Sackler family and Peter Thiel. They are calling for a return to…

  • Ayn Rand is popular today; but her ideas lead to destruction, what are the solutions?

    Ayn Rand is popular today; but her ideas lead to destruction, what are the solutions?

    Ayn Rand’s ideas have grown since the early 2010s. Between 2012 and 2020, her book Atlas Shrugged was the second biggest seller in the USA after the Bible, thirty years after her death. Friday essay: We all live in the world of Ayn Rand, egomaniac godmother of libertarianism. Can fiction help us navigate it? –…

  • Working class racism

    Working class racism

    The working class has existed since the mid-18th century, with the Industrial Revolution in the UK. It consisted of a population of peasant origin uprooted geographically to the centers of production, with no control over the use of their time. The wages of this working class only enabled them to survive and reproduce. This class…

  • The Modern “chiffon rouge”

    The Modern “chiffon rouge”

    When people organize to improve their conditions, there are results. When people organize to improve their conditions, there are results. They don’t need representatives to speak for them, instead of them. When staff unions live off the backs of union members, they no longer defend them, they scare them into staying in the union. If…

  • A slice of the cake

    A slice of the cake

    It’s not going well. Purchasing power is melting away, the standard of living is falling, and doctors are less and less available, drugs less and less reimbursed, and so on. Pouvoir d’achat : ce que disent les chiffres… et ce qu’ils ne disent pas – Radio France: https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceculture/podcasts/la-bulle-economique/pouvoir-d-achat-ce-que-disent-les-chiffres-et-ce-qu-ils-ne-disent-pas-7969607 There is clearly competition for resources. If…

  • What I am worth depends neither on market nor on race

    What I am worth depends neither on market nor on race

    Today, to be worthy you have to…be good-lookinghave a well-paid jobown your own homehave lots of new clotheshave a huge carhave talented childrenknow how to cook trendy dishes with lots of accessorieshave the latest iPhonego to the beauticianwork outhave plastic surgerygo on vacation abroadtake selfiesbe whitehave followerspursue long studieshave perfect teethbe computer literatebe skinnyalways buy…

  • Retirement pensions

    Retirement pensions

    Why should we pay pensions higher than average incomes to people who have earned their money by polluting without any solidarity with the rest of the people or with future generations (oil, nuclear, pharmaceutical industries, banks, etc.)? If they earned more than the average salary when they were working, they were able to invest their…

  • Popular Initiative

    Popular Initiative

    Translate with: https://www.deepl.com/translator Comment lancer une initiative populaire fédérale en Suisse?: https://www.ch.ch/fr/democratie/droits-politiques/initiative-populaire/comment-lancer-une-initiative-populaire-federale/ Qu’est-ce qu’une initiative populaire fédérale ?: https://www.ch.ch/fr/democratie/droits-politiques/initiative-populaire/quest-ce-quune-initiative-populaire-federale/

  • Voix


    One person one vote, not one dollar one vote Démocratie : Une personne = Une voix Ne laissez pas la politique aux politiciens, la politique c’est l’organisation de notre société et chacun de nos actes, comme la consommation par exemple, compte. Finance : J’ai de l’argent, j’ai plus de voix que toi. Ne laissez pas…