If you don’t solve your problems Your problems will come back And Bac And bak And Back again Stop complaining It’s easy to be right analyzing problems! You may be a victim, You may be not, But what can you do about it? Try to know yourself better. Especially your weak points, your mistakes, And…
“It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do”
Steve Jobs The quote is from the book Steve Jobs in his own words by George Beahm
Histoire de Migros, supermarché coopératif Suisse
Un coopérative c’est une structure où les gens mettent des moyens en commun. La Suisse a un taux d’imposition de 18% ce qui donne la liberté aux citoyens de choisir ce qu’ils font de leurs moyens. Histoire de Migros: https://www.migros.ch/fr/entreprise/histoire-de-migros.html Dans les autres pays d’Europe, il n’est pas possible de créer des coopératives car les…