Tag: salt

  • Overconsumption of lithium

    Overconsumption of lithium

    Lithium mining pollutes: it produces a huge amount of waste that kills all forms of life in soils and rivers if not reprocessed. Lithium mining is costly for the planet. To use lithium in lithium batteries, cobalt and other earths are also needed, which are only found in a few countries where they are easy…

  • Tasty and healthy

    Tasty and healthy

    “Food is our first medicine”. Hippocrates There’s too much sugar and water in low-quality food. The community pays for the care associated with the illnesses this causes, while manufacturers are subsidized with community money to be cheaper. Poor-quality food costs the community far too much. We should be subsidizing good-quality, environmentally-friendly and worker-friendly food. To…

  • CCC


    My children’s favourite recipe. You can replace the squash with celeriac. The better the ingredients, the healthier and tastier the dish. Marmiton – Soupe 3C: http://www.marmiton.org/recettes/recette_soupe-3c-courge-carotte-coco_86222.aspx Passeport Santé Citrouille et Potiron: http://www.passeportsante.net/fr/Nutrition/EncyclopedieAliments/Fiche.aspx?doc=citrouille_nu Peel and cut squash and carrots into small pieces. Optionally, you can add a sweet potato. Place in a cast-iron casserole or pressure cooker…

  • Succesfulde demonstranter

    Succesfulde demonstranter

    Lad os se hurtigt på de første fire uger med gule veste protester og hvad de allerede har opnået: · Brændselsafgiftstab opgivet · Statsborgerens skatteforhøjelse forladt · Stigningen af ​​den minimale løn · Regeringen overvejer ideen om at gennemføre populært initiativstemme i forfatningen · 75% godkendelse fra befolkningen efter deres 5. Aktionsuge Det kan virke…

  • Successful Protesters

    Successful Protesters

    Let’s have a quick look back at the first four weeks of Yellow Vests protests in 2018 and what they have already obtained: ·        Fuel tax hike abandoned ·        Pensioner’s tax hike abandoned ·         Rise of the minimal wage ·         The…

  • Pain à l’oeil

    Pain à l’oeil

    “Pain à l’oeil” is a play on word with “pain à l’ail” which means garlic bread. “A l’oeil” means in French that you do not measure or weigh the ingredients but rather you look at the aspect of what you are cooking to know the quantities you need for each ingredient. I tried many recipes…