Tag: road safety

  • Piste scooter / Moto

    Piste scooter / Moto

    Utiliser un scooter ou une moto pollue moins qu’utiliser une voiture. Des voies dédiée permettraient de leur assurer plus de sécurité et ainsi d’encourager les gens à utiliser un deux roues plutôt qu’une voiture:

  • Healthy Road

    Healthy Road

    Be healthier with fewer traffic jams. Organise public space so people can choose the vehicule they want to use. Bikes vs Cars 2015 Documentary: https://youtu.be/et8iEIPhooM Imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4397346/mediaindex?ref_=tt_pv_mi_sm What a driverless world could look like | Wanis Kabbaj: https://youtu.be/OlLFK8oSNEM: Urgent investment needed in walking and cycling infrastructure to save millions of lives and combat climate change…

  • Dinosaur on the road

    Dinosaur on the road

    – Oh! There is still something we’d like to tell you … – Ah? – Nothing serious. It’s just that the police came to school to explain how to be safe on the road to the children. They explained the signs, how to cross the street … That sort of thing. When they finished, they asked if there were any questions. – And…

  • Drink or drive

    Drink or drive

    The words that save you The Drops of God – 神の雫 –  Tadashi Agi et  Shū Okimoto