The visible man – Visible can mean safe and fun
The visible man – Visible can mean safe and fun 85% des accidents des deux roues sont dus à des automobilistes qui ne les ont pas vus. Comment être plus visible tout en étant en sécurité? A défaut de trouver une vêtement de protection irisée comme un paon, mon cousin a décidé de customiser son scooter…
The visible man – Visible can mean safe and fun
The visible man – Visible can mean safe and fun 85% of accidents on both wheels are caused by motorists who have not seen them. How to be more visible while being safe? Failing to find a security outfit iridescent like a peacock, my cousin decided to customize his scooter and accessories to be more…
Broken hearts, broken windows
Broken hearts, broken windows – #Love I’m just back from Paris and I found a miracle there: a clean city and Parisians forcing themselves to be super nice. It was obvious they were making a huge effort to be nice and to speak English; and they did manage and I am even more impressed by…