Tag: public money

  • A united Europe to protect our standards!

    A united Europe to protect our standards!

    Europe is the world’s largest market. It’s the market that offers the greatest safety for its citizens. There are standards for testing food, medicines, products, vehicles and so on. Deregulation is on Trump’s agenda at the request of billionaires like Elon Musk, the Sackler family and Peter Thiel. They are calling for a return to…

  • Housing


    Why is housing so expensive, whether to buy or rent? Why are people forced to pay when “the right to housing is a human right.” With limited financial means, it’s hard to find affordable, good-quality housing. (https://www.humanrights.ch/fr/nouvelles/droit-humain-logement) In the cities, prices have skyrocketed. They have become inaccessible to part of the population. And the countryside…