Skin to skin,Mouth to breast,You breathe lifewith your nourishing milk. A serene and straightforward headmakes you perpetuatethis gesture through the agesand civilizations. Listening to nature,you reject artificial milksdevoid of hormones andgood bacteriathat populate a baby’s intestinal flora.Factory-sterilized,they make babies more fragile,and promote allergies. Maternal love,the joy of being fed,This precious bondmust be preserved. You can…
Honey, ice-cream please!
1 tablesppon of honey 10cl of whole milk 50g of cream 1 beaten egg 1 tablespoon of sugar (optional, preferably whole cane sugar) Mix well. Pour into 4 ice-cream molds. Leave 5 hours in the freezer. Yummy! The better the quality of the products, the better the dish. So choose your products well. (from your…
Far à la flotte
“Water is made to sail or wash …” says an old retired Breton sailor I know well. Far Breton recipe Preheat oven to 180°C (356°F). In a bowl, mix 6 eggs, 70 g whole cane sugar, 1 1/2 packets vanilla sugar, 150 g whole-wheat and/or spelt and/or rye flour. Gradually add 750 ml whole milk.…
Volcanic Explosion
– Oh no! What a disaster! There is hot chocolate everywhere, even in the grooves of the dishwasher. – It is necessary to clean immediately, otherwise the milk will rot.With that, Bixente went to get the Spanish mop and sponges. Bachué went to the living-room to warn his friends. As she burst out laughing,…
Farmers will make butter
Too many producers of milk in France live below the poverty line. This is a scandal that those who feed the population are treated this way! Farmers chose to act. Some butter producers have found better buyers in other countries which has created a shortage of butter in the supermarkets because they refused to increase…
Pain à l’oeil
“Pain à l’oeil” is a play on word with “pain à l’ail” which means garlic bread. “A l’oeil” means in French that you do not measure or weigh the ingredients but rather you look at the aspect of what you are cooking to know the quantities you need for each ingredient. I tried many recipes…