Bright idea of the century
Bright idea of the century “The Light Bulb Conspiracy”, by Cosima Dannoritzer – Ciné ONU: https://www.unric.org/en/2012/the-light-bulb-conspiracy Arte – Prêt à jeter ou l’obsolescence programmée: https://youtu.be/Y_fHAIfoqcQ The Man in the White Suit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_in_the_White_Suit Why don’t companies want you to repair your stuff? – Aaron Perzanowski – Ted-Ed: https://youtu.be/46RDkiy5h3U?si=mNKr-I-BC_lII7qM
Black hole
“You have to find out what you can’t know before you know you can’t, don’t you? (…) The point is people must think, people must go on thinking, they must try to extend the boundaries of knowledge and they don’t sometimes even know where to start. You don’t know where the boundaries are, do you?”…
Meisje met de parel
Why is Vermeer’s “Girl with the Pearl Earring” considered a masterpiece? – James Earle – TED-ed – “James Earle explains how this work represents the birth of a modern perspective on economics, politics, and love.” “In the seventeenth century, the city of Delft, like the Netherlands in general had turned against ruling aristocracy and the…
Tu peux ouvrir les yeux maintenant
Tu peux ouvrir les yeux maintenant Ce photomontage a été crée en 2012. Il représente ce que l’on voit lorsqu’on a les yeux fermés après avoir vu de la lumière et il invite à ouvrir les yeux sur un monde en couleurs. Il symbolise la fin d’une ère noire et le moment où la lumière commence à…