Tag: knowledge

  • Black green red blue

    Black green red blue

    Their black eyes, my black rings,Green with rage,She hit them again.He had another tantrum.Calm down, you’re bright red.Give me a hug, a little less abrupt,I don’t want to have blue bruises. Everyone has their own opinionBenevolent or not,On children with special needs.« Honey, don’t play with them, you’ll scare them. »« No, don’t invite this one, she’s…

  • Yes to educational freedom for all!

    Yes to educational freedom for all!

    The mission of national education is to educate future citizens and reduce inequalities in opportunities for success. Recent French governments have shown no willingness to fulfill these missions. Indeed, in UNICEF’s “Innocenti 13” report, France is ranked 28th out of 35 EU/OECD countries in terms of inequality and well-being among children. (https://www.unicef.fr/article/inegalites-entre-les-enfants-la-france-28e-sur-35-pays-riches/). The demands of…

  • Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers – StevenPinker – TEDTalks : https://youtu.be/yCm9Ng0bbEQ

    Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers – StevenPinker – TEDTalks : https://youtu.be/yCm9Ng0bbEQ

    Is the world getting better or worse? A look at the numbers – StevenPinker – TEDTalks : https://youtu.be/yCm9Ng0bbEQ (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)