Tag: inflation

  • The power of a King’s Speech

    The power of a King’s Speech

    “King Charles III is a constitutional monarch, meaning that he is Head of State. Although his political and executive powers are limited, the Monarch plays a central role in the life of the nation and has a lot of important responsibilities”. (The Role of the Monarch: https://ndla.no/subject:1:9b93cd9e-a45c-428c-a8fb-b4955169efdf/topic:0b7ab7e5-14c7-4118-b81e-c7d27df3aa6d/resource:ad73b390-5142-49e7-ba86-ef25c74d2e28) But what are these responsibilities? What is this…

  • Cut out the middleman

    Cut out the middleman

    Four traders, suppliers of raw materials supply 90% of food for humans and livestock: Cargill, ADM, Louis Dreyfus Commodities and Bunge. They supply cereals, cocoa, cotton, oil, eggs, flour, meat, peanuts, rubber, salt, wool, chemicals and vitamins. The biggest of these, CARGILL, is the largest private company in the United States and controls a quarter…

  • Les intermédiaires

    Les intermédiaires

    Quatre entreprises, négociantes en matières premières fournissent 90% de la nourriture pour les humains et l’élevage: Cargill, ADM, Louis Dreyfus Commodities et Bunge. Ils fournissent céréales, cacao, coton, huile, oeufs, farine, viande, arachide, caoutchouc, sel, laine, produits chimiques et vitamines. La plus grosse d’entre elles, CARGILL est la plus grosse entreprise privée des Etats-Unis et…