Tag: ilo

  • Exit the problem!

    Exit the problem!

    To know the legislation in your country, click on your country here: LEGOSH Occupational Safety and Health (OSH): https://www.ilo.org/dyn/legosh/en/f?p=14100:1000:0::NO::: Bataclan 2015 –  Heysel Stadium 1985 – World trade center 2001 – Overloaded boats with passengers Africa Asia – Grenfell tower 2017-  Mecca 2015- Miners in Chile 2010 Ponte Morandi a Genova, una tragedia annunciata?:http://www.ingegneri.info/news/infrastrutture-e-trasporti/ponte-morandi-genova-analisi-infrastrutturale/  Let’s keep the proportions…

  • What you work for matters!

    What you work for matters!

    Peaceful environment for privileged people or efficient people who manage to live peacefully together and become priviledged? “Work must be placed above all competitive struggles. It is not a commodity.”. Albert Thomas  “My Life is My Message” Gandhi The basic income should be insured so that workers are not compelled to work for immoral causes.…

  • Do help Mrs Dalloway!

    Do help Mrs Dalloway!

    Mrs. Dalloway – Virginia Woolf – eBook: https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/w/woolf/virginia/w91md Mrs Dalloway’s 1997 film: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119723/?ref_=nv_sr_1 What Singapore, Norway and Switzerland have in common ? According to OECD (http://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/noncommunicable-diseases/mental-health/data-and-statistics), they are the 3 most advanced countries in the world. They also share the same approach to justice and mental health by providing their citizens with a system common to all.…

  • Better Factory Cambodia

    Better Factory Cambodia

    BFC improves labour conditions and the profitability of the garment industry through a combination of factory assessments, tailored training for both workers and managers, factory advisory services, and public disclosure of working conditions on factory floors. Better Work in South Asia: https://betterwork.org/blog/2016/10/20/op-ed-better-factories-cambodia-and-its-15-year-journey Kering has included ilo conventions in its internal regulations since 2015. Look at…

  • Banca


    Actuellement, les banques font gagner de l’argent aux plus riches. Elles prêtent d’avantage aux riches. Quand ceux-ci font de mauvais investissements, l’Etat utilise l’argent public pour compenser leurs pertes. Il faudrait plus de banques coopératives qui aident tous les citoyens. – The Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare:  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0379889/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Merchant_of_Venice – Cooperative banker explainer video: https://youtu.be/ehSCy8qiZxk –…

  • Clean Clothes

    Clean Clothes

    Shirt on your back: https://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2014/apr/bangladesh-shirt-on-your-back To go further: https://labs.theguardian.com/unicef-child-labour Child Labour map: To know more about Clean clothes campaign: https://cleanclothes.org To know more about Better Work: http://betterwork.org About MFA (Multi Fiber Arrangement): https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/texti_e/texintro_e.htm Countries which have promoted MFA : Australia, Canada, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, UK, United States. About Maker Culture: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maker_culture Buy second hand clothes on a shop…