Tag: home

  • The eco comfort, a way of life

    The eco comfort, a way of life

    The eco comfort, a way of life – How to use vinegar for household chores: https://en.wikihow.com/use-vinegar-for-working-workers White vinegar can also be used instead of softener in your washing machine. It is very effective, except for the towels it makes rough. – Batmaid – What if lemons were your home’s best friend?: https://batmaid.ch/blog/fr/nettoyage-maison-avec-des-citrons?utm_source=Returning+clients&utm_campaign=7a44a5fa4d-NL_citron_20nov2018&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c2cf3deb26-7a44a5fa4d-570640433 Using probiotic cleaners in…

  • Home sweet Home — just bigger and easier to clean and tidy…

    Home sweet Home — just bigger and easier to clean and tidy…

    “Have you used this in the last 10 months? – Nope. – Do you have a good reason to keep it or is it one of your favourite thing? – Nope. – Then, give it to charities! – I’d rather sell it. – Ok, if it feels better, sell it.” You don’t even know what’s…

  • La Terre vue de près

    La Terre vue de près

    (via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghkQoJoipbM) La Terre vue de près – UNESCO: http://www.unesco.org/archives/multimedia/?pg=33&s=films_details&id=1570 Entretien avec Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Ambassadeur de bonne volonté du Programme des Nations Unies pour l’environnement: http://www.un.org/apps/newsFr/newsmakersF.asp?NewsID=21#.WkN1dbaZPNA

  • Fight food waste

    Fight food waste

    Buy only what you need, invent recipes from what will rot first, be creative.

  • Isolation phonique

    Isolation phonique

    Les conflits de voisinage autour du bruit sont légions. Nous avons toutes les connaissances pour insonoriser les immeubles. Cela n’est pas fait afin d’enrichir les marges que prennent les promoteurs immobiliers et les intermédiaires.