A European leap forward is needed
Since Trump is back in power, the United States is no longer an ally of democratic countries. Donald Trump and his government regularly echo Putin’s theses and call themselves predators. 1. The USA has claimed that it wants to take over Greenland, Panama and Canada against the will of the people. 2. Trump and Putin…
Stop funding hatred
The sad experience of Radio Mille Collines in Rwanda, which led to the genocide of the Tutsis, was analysed at length and even judged by the International Criminal Court. The judgement concludes that the media are responsible: ‘The power of the media to create and destroy fundamental human values comes with great responsibility. Those who…
“People never hate you for your weaknesses”…
“People never hate you for your weaknesses ― they hate you for your strengths” P.194 : https://books.google.ch/books?id=DMLPz4rrBIIC&pg=PA194&lpg=PA194&dq=%22People+never+hate+you+for+your+weaknesses,+they+hate+you+for+your+strengths.%22&source=bl&ots=-NpMLS82Lc&sig=QXFYnpB21OxCTX1KqFbNrJDfBYg&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwif2-WEg-XeAhWE_aQKHQ3nBXwQ6AEwAXoECAAQAQ#v=onepage&q=%22People%20never%20hate%20you%20for%20your%20weaknesses%2C%20they%20hate%20you%20for%20your%20strengths.%22&f=false