Tag: greece

  • The greek triumph

    The greek triumph

    The Greeks held out against PersiaWho was a thousand times stronger than themBut who won the battle of Marathon and ThermopylaeWe don’t remember much about itWe only honor the common soldier Who ran heroically from Marathon to Athens to announce victoryAnd of course we know LeonidasBelgian chocolate covered On the other hand, the triumphant Roman…

  • Popular Initiative

    Popular Initiative

    Translate with: https://www.deepl.com/translator Comment lancer une initiative populaire fédérale en Suisse?: https://www.ch.ch/fr/democratie/droits-politiques/initiative-populaire/comment-lancer-une-initiative-populaire-federale/ Qu’est-ce qu’une initiative populaire fédérale ?: https://www.ch.ch/fr/democratie/droits-politiques/initiative-populaire/quest-ce-quune-initiative-populaire-federale/