Ay Yo Yogurt YOYO Yeah!
Ay Yo Yogurt YOYO Yeah! Guaranteed gelatin-free ( = bone + bovine skin + pig skin) That’s good, boycotting = no more poisoning The higher the quality of the ingredients, the better the taste and the healthier it will be. Boil 1l of whole milk (be careful, the milk rises and overflows very quickly). Leave…
Healthy Soda
Healthy Soda Half a lemon juice + 1 liter of water = ça mousse (foam) You can also add slices of fresh ginger roots and add them to this drink. You can also make variations to this recipe: it works with oranges, strawberries, grapefruits or anything you like. The Guardian – Grandma’s all-natural recipes: when…
Honey, ice-cream please!
1 tablesppon of honey 10cl of milk 50g of cream 1 beaten egg 1 tablespoon of sugar (optional) Mix well. Pour into 4 ice-cream molds. Leave 5 hours in the freezer. Yummy! The better the quality of the products, the better the dish. So choose your products well. (from your personal garden or the market…
Healthy Soda
Healthy Soda Le jus d’1/2 citron + 1l d’eau pétillante = ça mousse Vous pouvez également ajouter des tranches de racines de gingembre frais dans cette boisson. Vous pouvez également faire varier la recette originale: oranges, fraises, pamplemousses, faites varier vos envies! The Guardian – Grandma’s all-natural recipes: when life gives you lemons, preserve them: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/apr/30/grandmas-all-natural-recipes-when-life-gives-you-lemons-preserve-them…