Tag: freedom

  • BlackBird


    To listen to the music: – Paul McCartney – BlackBird (1968): https://youtu.be/fe_djkoontQ – Paul McCartney – Blackbird(Abbey Road studio LIVE): https://youtu.be/JiL5JpUtjqY Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackbird_(Beatles_song) Blackbird singing in the dead of night Take these broken wings and learn to fly All your life You were only waiting for this moment to arise Blackbird singing in the dead of…

  • The chicks waiting for the beaked will take flight

    The chicks waiting for the beaked will take flight

    Les oisillons qui attendent la becquée prendront leur envol Los pajarillo que esperan el pico alzarán el vuelo Die Küken, die auf den Schnabel warten, werden flügge

  • Cut


    And the violenceFeeling you are living with a head in a vise-gripLiving at another level of consciousnessToo tired to be able to use the brainThe head feeling dizzyDiscomfort A hypoglycemia?The lack of sleep? Continuous stress pressure?Not a minute of respiteEat what you findWhat you can Feeling like you are not living normallyJust trying not to…

  • La liberté guidant le peuple

    La liberté guidant le peuple

    « Ô liberté, que de crimes on commet en ton nom !» Mme Roland « La liberté ne consiste pas à avoir un bon maître, mais à n’en point avoir. » Cicéron « A man who takes away another man’s freedom is a prisoner of hatred, he is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow-mindedness. I…

  • Gender


    “Aie le courage de devenir ce que tu es” ― Søren Kierkegaard It was a beautiful fall in Geneva and they were training for the Escalade, the famous Winter Genevan run. What else than a jogging in the beautiful colors of Park Bertrand? And of course, as women always do, they were chatting at the sametime. The discussion had come to…