Tag: freedom

  • Cut


    And the violenceFeeling you are living with a head in a vise-gripLiving at another level of consciousnessToo tired to be able to use the brainThe head feeling dizzyDiscomfort A hypoglycemia?The lack of sleep? Continuous stress pressure?Not a minute of respiteEat what you findWhat you can Feeling like you are not living normallyJust trying not to…

  • La liberté guidant le peuple

    La liberté guidant le peuple

    « Ô liberté, que de crimes on commet en ton nom !» Mme Roland « La liberté ne consiste pas à avoir un bon maître, mais à n’en point avoir. » Cicéron « A man who takes away another man’s freedom is a prisoner of hatred, he is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow-mindedness. I…

  • Gender


    “Aie le courage de devenir ce que tu es” ― Søren Kierkegaard It was a beautiful fall in Geneva and they were training for the Escalade, the famous Winter Genevan run. What else than a jogging in the beautiful colors of Park Bertrand? And of course, as women always do, they were chatting at the sametime. The discussion had come to…