Ay Yo Yogurt YOYO Yeah!
Guaranteed gelatin-free ( = bone + bovine skin + pig skin) That’s good, boycotting = no more poisoning The higher the quality of the ingredients, the better the taste and the healthier it will be. This recipe can be made with cow’s, ewe’s or goat’s milk and yoghurts. Boil 1l of whole milk (be careful,…
Yaourt-hier Yaourt d’aujourd’hui
Garanti sans gélatine ( = os + peau de bovin + peau de porc) C’est bien, boycotter = ne plus s’empoisonner Plus les ingrédients sont de qualité, plus ce sera bon au goût et pour la santé. Cette recette peut être réalisée avec du lait et des yaourts de vache, de brebis ou de chèvre.…
Why wait 2000 years to adopt a natural and more efficient way to grow food?
“The recycling of organic wastes was perfected over centuries in Europe. But their Nitrogen content is only 0.5% and the heavy labor of collecting and distributing up to 40 tons of wastes per acres of city execra resulted in an overall loss of 60% of energy loss per cultivated acre. Green manuring was used by…
“Courage is found in unlikely places”…
Courage is found in unlikely places. Many are the strange chances of the world, and help oft shall come from the hands of the weak when the Wise falter. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. JRR Tolkien – The Lord of the…
License on the Red Planet – A science fiction story
License on the Red Planet – A science fiction story Clementine woke up suddenly. She had dreamt that she was on the Red planet again, the planet where she was born. She was still considered a citizen of this planet, not of the Planet Brown for which she had left everything. As she couldn’t pay…
Basic Income is possible.
A basic income is simply a sum of money paid every month to everyone to provide decent food and housing. The Instrument of freedom – Philippe Van Parijs – TeD-xTalks: https://youtu.be/GP4sBGbeF8w – Poverty isn’t a lack of character; it’s a lack of cash…- Rutger Bretman – TeDTalks: https://youtu.be/ydKcaIE6O1k Spain’s UBI Is A Wake-Up Call For Americans, Current…
Healthy Nutella
This has a different taste from the famous Nutella jar but it tastes healthy and most people do like it (except for the Italians…). As far as I am concerned, I prefer this one; I can’t stand the overload of sugar and fat which hides all the other ingredients’ tastes. If you are a sugar…
Miss Terra cheers me up
Tiramisu Tira = terra = earth, soil -> Tiarra / Misu = sublime / minus -> Miss “Tiramisù” comes from the Venetian tiramesù [tirameˈsu], meaning “pick me up”, “cheer me up” or “lift me up” Miss Terra – Wikipedia: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_Terra Tiramisu: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiramisu 1) Mix three egg yolks and 75g of sugar until the mixture whitens. Add 250g…
Miss Terra Cheers me up
Tiramisu Tira = terra = earth soil = terre -> Tiarre / Misu = sublime / minus -> Miss “Tiramisù” vient du Vénitien tiramesù [tirameˈsu], signifiant « tire-moi vers le haut », « remonte-moi le moral », « redonne-moi des forces » Miss Terra – Wikipedia: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_Terra Tiramisu: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiramisu 1) Mélanger trois jaunes d’œufs et 75g de sucre…