Tag: environment

  • Overconsumption of lithium

    Overconsumption of lithium

    Lithium mining pollutes: it produces a huge amount of waste that kills all forms of life in soils and rivers if not reprocessed. Lithium mining is costly for the planet. To use lithium in lithium batteries, cobalt and other earths are also needed, which are only found in a few countries where they are easy…

  • Left-wing policy’s lack of action doesn’t pay off

    Left-wing policy’s lack of action doesn’t pay off

    Barack Obama, Olaf Scholz, François Hollande, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Kier Starmer, Anthony Albanese, Pedro Sanchez, Justin Trudeau do not propose a vision. They do almost nothing for the people. Their only quality is that they’re not as bad as the others. It leads nowhere, gives no direction. This strategy doesn’t pay off, and…

  • Tasty and healthy

    Tasty and healthy

    “Food is our first medicine”. Hippocrates There’s too much sugar and water in low-quality food. The community pays for the care associated with the illnesses this causes, while manufacturers are subsidized with community money to be cheaper. Poor-quality food costs the community far too much. We should be subsidizing good-quality, environmentally-friendly and worker-friendly food. To…

  • The forced march towards the destruction of nature

    The forced march towards the destruction of nature

    The state and the media blamed workers considered not productive enough for the loss of their factories in the 70s. For the past twenty years, they’ve been blaming this same generation for environmental pollution. It would be the people who polluted without regard for the environment. It’s the same strategy for the same end: pit…

  • A united Europe to protect our standards!

    A united Europe to protect our standards!

    Europe is the world’s largest market. It’s the market that offers the greatest safety for its citizens. There are standards for testing food, medicines, products, vehicles and so on. Deregulation is on Trump’s agenda at the request of billionaires like Elon Musk, the Sackler family and Peter Thiel. They are calling for a return to…

  • Ayn Rand is popular today; but her ideas lead to destruction, what are the solutions?

    Ayn Rand is popular today; but her ideas lead to destruction, what are the solutions?

    Ayn Rand’s ideas have grown since the early 2010s. Between 2012 and 2020, her book Atlas Shrugged was the second biggest seller in the USA after the Bible, thirty years after her death. Friday essay: We all live in the world of Ayn Rand, egomaniac godmother of libertarianism. Can fiction help us navigate it? –…

  • Working class racism

    Working class racism

    The working class has existed since the mid-18th century, with the Industrial Revolution in the UK. It consisted of a population of peasant origin uprooted geographically to the centers of production, with no control over the use of their time. The wages of this working class only enabled them to survive and reproduce. This class…

  • The workers

    The workers

    “Saluez, riches heureux,  /“Salute, you happy rich, Ces pauvres en haillons / These poor in rags Saluez, ce sont eux, / Salute them, they’re the ones Qui gagnent vos millions” / Who earn your millions” Song by the Penn Sardin of Douarnenez, 1905. Wealth in Europe and America has been and continues to be built…

  • The richest 1% are at war with the rest of the world

    The richest 1% are at war with the rest of the world

    “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” Warren Buffett – Good Reads: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/123058-there-s-class-warfare-all-right-but-it-s-my-class-the “Terrorism is the war of the poor. War is the terrorism of the rich.” Ustinov Peter: https://www.grainesdepaix.org/fr/ressources/sinspirer/aphorismes/le-terrorisme-est-la-guerre-des-pauvres-la-guerre-est-le-terrorisme-des-riches What does this war involve? In France, as elsewhere, the role of national education…

  • The Rust Belt

    The Rust Belt

    The Rust Belt made the eastern USA rich and prosperous. From 1850 to 1980, the largest American companies were located near the Great Lakes: US Steel, Ford, General Motors, etc. Millions of Americans worked in these factories, at first in difficult conditions, then these conditions improved thanks to the organization of workers into unions. These…