Go, Go, Go!
Thank you for opening the town halls for complaints, more than a step before opening them for the referendums. Operation “open town halls” on Saturday, December the 8th: “In this troubled period, mayors can connect citizens and the State”: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/transports/gilets-jaunes/operation-mairies-ouvertes-samedi-dans-cette-periode-trouble-les-maires-peuvent-relier-les-citoyens-et-letat_3087821.html Kneeling protester: A new symbol of the YellowVests? | RT: https://www.rt.com/news/445965-protesters-kneel-police-students Les GiletsJaunes se mettent à…
Electing is not voting
Pauvre France – 52 minutes: https://youtu.be/mKrsQLfrcrY?si=jhING4L3PH5fo7ov Et si on arrêtait de prendre les gens pour des cons ? | Les idées larges | ARTE: https://youtu.be/A9kl3_vnXjI?si=t8998iqcZuL8dv_P