Pain à l’oeil
“Pain à l’oeil” is a play on word with “pain à l’ail” which means garlic bread. “A l’oeil” means in French that you do not measure or weigh the ingredients but rather you look at the aspect of what you are cooking to know the quantities you need for each ingredient. I tried many recipes…
Pain à l’oeil
J’ai essayé de nombreuses recettes et ai mis très longtemps à réussir mon propre pain. J’ai commencé avec des machines à pain et ne suis jamais arrivé à rien… De toutes ces expériences et lectures, j’en ai conclu quatre choses : – Nos grand-mères avaient raison, peser tous les ingrédients n’est pas la bonne méthode…
Inviting friends for dinner
Oh! You’ve got coconut oil! Yes, we use it to make our own Nutella because we do not want to say no to the kids all the time. I mean how can you tell them no Nutella. So we use cashew and nut purees with chocolate and we don’t add any sugar as they are eating it on…
Clean Clothes
Shirt on your back: https://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2014/apr/bangladesh-shirt-on-your-back To go further: https://labs.theguardian.com/unicef-child-labour Child Labour map: To know more about Clean clothes campaign: https://cleanclothes.org To know more about Better Work: http://betterwork.org About MFA (Multi Fiber Arrangement): https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/texti_e/texintro_e.htm Countries which have promoted MFA : Australia, Canada, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, UK, United States. About Maker Culture: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maker_culture Buy second hand clothes on a shop…