Restaurant on a platter
Restaurant on a platter I went to the restaurant With my two darlings.It was 6:45 pm,We waited in the rain. Sesame, open up .. Please, come on!The palace of flavours opened its doors at 7pm sharp,Not a second before. Overwhelmed servers;no way to order, must say that they are stupid or what?I can see only two…
Demainlefilm – Chap 3: L’Economie
#demainlefilm: https://www.demain-lefilm.com/en/film The award-winning globally acclaimed film, Tomorrow, by Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent. Trailer: https://youtu.be/NUN0QxRB7e0 Wikipedia – Demain (film, 2015): https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demain_(film,_2015)#.C3.89conomie Demain présenté à la COP 21: http://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/societe/environnement/demain-le-road-movie-citoyen-de-melanie-laurent-est-presente-a-la-cop-21_1741493.html Wir Franc: https://www.wir.ch/fr/qui-est-wir/qui-est-wir-et-quest-ce-que-cest/