Tag: democracy

  • The leader? WE

    The leader? WE

    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/515254836720041992/530138668044779530/49343131_39497817171262687_601453815151094124544_n.png The government is trying to impose leaders on yellow vests that do not want them: Fly Rider Jacline Mouraud Priscillia Ludosky Etienne Chouard It is quite clear that the government is trying to make Eric Drouet a martyr. After his first arrest, several petitions to free him were circulated: like this one: https://www.change.org/p/nous-les-gilets-jaunes-libérer-eric-drouet They…

  • The Red and the Yellow

    The Red and the Yellow

    Red scarves against yellow vests in France or White Supremacists against Liberals in the United States. These are two current examples of a pattern that is repeated throughout history. When the authoritarian power feels so threatened that it thinks its police will no longer be enough, it mobilizes part of its population in a reactionary…

  • Fahrenheit 11/9, Michael Moore

    Fahrenheit 11/9, Michael Moore

    And that if this is the America we’re trying to save, maybe, we need to ask ourselves, Why? Why save this America? The America I want to save is the America we’ve never had. It didn’t need to end up like this. And it still doesn’t. Evil is a slow moving organism. By the time…

  • The American people’s choice

    The American people’s choice

    Fahrenheit 11/9: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8632862/?ref_=nm_flmg_dr_1 Use DeepL to translate  

  • Le levier économique

    Le levier économique

    Charles Stewart Parnell (Boicote) – Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boycott)   Gandhi (Salt march) – Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_March Martin Luther King – Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King_Jr. Boicot – Wikipedia: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boicot Marcha de la sal – Wikipedia: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcha_de_la_sal Martin Luther King – Wikipedia: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King Boycott – Wikipedia: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boycott Marche du sel – Wikipedia: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marche_du_sel Martin Luther King – Wikipedia: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King Use deepl to…

  • Successful Protesters

    Successful Protesters

    Let’s have a quick look back at the first four weeks of Yellow Vests protests in 2018 and what they have already obtained: ·        Fuel tax hike abandoned ·        Pensioner’s tax hike abandoned ·         Rise of the minimal wage ·         The…

  • Popular Initiative

    Popular Initiative

    Translate with: https://www.deepl.com/translator Comment lancer une initiative populaire fédérale en Suisse?: https://www.ch.ch/fr/democratie/droits-politiques/initiative-populaire/comment-lancer-une-initiative-populaire-federale/ Qu’est-ce qu’une initiative populaire fédérale ?: https://www.ch.ch/fr/democratie/droits-politiques/initiative-populaire/quest-ce-quune-initiative-populaire-federale/

  • Go, Go, Go!

    Go, Go, Go!

    Thank you for opening the town halls for complaints, more than a step before opening them for the referendums. Operation “open town halls” on Saturday, December the 8th: “In this troubled period, mayors can connect citizens and the State”: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/transports/gilets-jaunes/operation-mairies-ouvertes-samedi-dans-cette-periode-trouble-les-maires-peuvent-relier-les-citoyens-et-letat_3087821.html Kneeling protester: A new symbol of the YellowVests? | RT: https://www.rt.com/news/445965-protesters-kneel-police-students Les GiletsJaunes se mettent à…

  • Electing is not voting

    Electing is not voting

    Pauvre France – 52 minutes: https://youtu.be/mKrsQLfrcrY?si=jhING4L3PH5fo7ov Et si on arrêtait de prendre les gens pour des cons ? | Les idées larges | ARTE: https://youtu.be/A9kl3_vnXjI?si=t8998iqcZuL8dv_P

  • Only 4,600 exhausted police officers to supervise the demonstrators

    Only 4,600 exhausted police officers to supervise the demonstrators

    Only 4,600 exhausted police officers to supervise the demonstrators On December the 1st 2018, violence broke out in Paris. The government has decided not to properly manage the demonstration. Only 4,600 “end-of-pipe” police officers, as Yves Lefebvre of the Unité-SGP Police FO union says, were mobilized. About thirty French police officers committed suicide this year. It…