Tag: democracy

  • Ecoterrorism


    Terrorism is the use of terror for ideological, political or religious ends. The word “terrorisme” was first used in November 1794, when it was used to describe the “doctrine of the partisans of the Terror”, those who, some time earlier, had exercised power by waging an intense and violent struggle against the counter-revolutionaries. It was…

  • Police and justice for the people

    Police and justice for the people

    It’s obvious that the rioters, those who burn, steal and commit violence, are criminals who must be tried and sentenced in accordance with the law. There’s a lot of drug trafficking in the suburbs. But when the police catch a trafficker, that trafficker is very often released because the justice system can’t take it anymore.…

  • The Senate, the power to piss people off

    The Senate, the power to piss people off

    When you type “abolish the senate” in google, you realize that many countries want to abolish it. It is high time to replace it with the popular initiative referendum. The Senate prevented Obama from governing (500 blockades) and left Trump in power. The case of Trump’s impeachment on December 19, 2019, which was acquitted by…

  • Bali, a Traditional Democracy, a UNESCO-listed Social System

    Bali, a Traditional Democracy, a UNESCO-listed Social System

    In Bali, suback is a balinese word which dates from the 9th-11th century. It is a village association that deals with water, water rights and irrigation. It is a social and religious institution and it is ecologically sustainable. This democratic association of farmers shared responsibility for shared irrigation waters; an important subject as the rice-terraces…

  • Finance & Obesity

    Finance & Obesity

    Today, nearly half of the world’s population is considered obese: https://www.who.int/en/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight Associated pathologies are considered as causes of “preventable” diseases by responsible individuals, which has the effect of distorting the figures, for example by pointing out the risks associated with physical inactivity or tobacco (risks considered preventable) which are actually less polluting than pesticides and fertilizers…

  • Let’s democratize art

    Let’s democratize art


    NOUS NE SOMMES PAS DUPES – Collectif Yellow Submarine This is a translation of the “Nous ne sommes pas dupes” petition found here http://www.nousnesommespasdupes.fr and there: https://www.change.org/p/collectif-yellow-submarine-gmail-com-l-appel-des-artistes-et-créateur-rice-s-nous-ne-sommes-pas-dupes WE ARE NOT FOOLED THE CALL OF ARTISTS AND CREATORS For several months now, the Yellow Vest movement, unprecedented in the history of the Fifth Republic, has been beating the pavement…

  • War and Peace at the UN

    War and Peace at the UN

    In 1961, Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld’s plane, which wanted to establish a UN right of interference in Katanga (Congo), crashed. The square in front of the General Secretariat in New York still bears his name. Man accused of shooting down UN chief: ‘Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to …’ – The…

  • Call to people who are not subject to repression

    Call to people who are not subject to repression

    Call to people who are not subjected to repression, either because they have a social status that puts them above repression, or because they live in a territory that respects democracy and freedom of opinion. Industrial and financial strength, greed and corruption have turned against the people in more than 20 countries on all continents.…

  • A helping hand – Call for the pursuit of the fight

    A helping hand – Call for the pursuit of the fight

    Dear promoters of direct democracy, from all countries, First of all, congratulations to those who continue the fight in the field and from their places, each according to their means. A thought also for all the victims of violence, whatever their side. Many good actions such as boycotts, road toll lifts, blockages of the most…