Tag: cream

  • Honey, ice-cream please!

    Honey, ice-cream please!

    1 tablesppon of honey 10cl of whole milk 50g of cream 1 beaten egg 1 tablespoon of sugar (optional) Mix well. Pour into 4 ice-cream molds. Leave 5 hours in the freezer. Yummy! The better the quality of the products, the better the dish. So choose your products well. (from your personal garden or the…

  • Healthy Tan

    Healthy Tan

    Environment Health Perspective – Sunscreens damage coral: http://www.sehn.org/tccpdf/sunscreens%20damage%20coral.pdf Consommons sainement: https://consommonssainement.com/2016/12/10/alternative-naturelle-cremes-hydratantes/ Consoglobe: https://www.consoglobe.com/tout-sur-la-creme-solaire-cg France Nature environnement: https://www.fne.asso.fr/com/santa/page_eau_a26.pdf Collectif des Associations de Défense de l’Environnement du Pays-Basque et du sud des Landes: https://www.cade-environnement.org/2017/06/26/eau-et-nanoparticules-un-risque-emergent/ Comment utiliser l’aloe véra – Doctissimo: https://youtu.be/KjjaPNvNx_U