Tag: consumption

  • Organic mass production has no future

    Organic mass production has no future

    Over the last three years, Europe has seen crop failures due to drought and invasive species. Farmers can’t beat the price of grain from Ukraine, which is in desperate straits. One hectare of arable land disappears every second in the world, and soil is a non-renewable resource. La disparition des terres agricoles – planetoscope: https://www.planetoscope.com/sols/1175-disparition-de-surfaces-agricoles-dans-le-monde.html…

  • Finance & Obesity

    Finance & Obesity

    Today, nearly half of the world’s population is considered obese: https://www.who.int/en/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight Associated pathologies are considered as causes of “preventable” diseases by responsible individuals, which has the effect of distorting the figures, for example by pointing out the risks associated with physical inactivity or tobacco (risks considered preventable) which are actually less polluting than pesticides and fertilizers…

  • The situation of yellow vests today

    The situation of yellow vests today

    The situation of yellow vests today 1) Fed up with the tax rate in general (fuel prices, taxes and payroll taxes). Is this justified? According to the figures, YES. “The average French employee recovers two days of purchasing power in 2018 while remaining the most taxed in the European Union (EU). He works until July…

  • Voix


    One person one vote, not one dollar one vote Démocratie : Une personne = Une voix Ne laissez pas la politique aux politiciens, la politique c’est l’organisation de notre société et chacun de nos actes, comme la consommation par exemple, compte. Finance : J’ai de l’argent, j’ai plus de voix que toi. Ne laissez pas…