Tag: chocolate

  • Cook cookies

    Cook cookies

    Cuanto mejor sea la calidad de los ingredientes, más sabrosas y sanas serán los cookies. Precalentar el horno a 160°C con ventilador (calor tradicional: 180°C). Mezclar 100 g de mantequilla derretida, 30 g de azúcar integral y 1/4 de cucharadita de sal. Añadir un huevo y mezclar. Mezclar 100 g de harina de trigo y/o…

  • Cook cookies

    Cook cookies

    The better the quality of the ingredients, the better the cookies will taste and the healthier they will be. Preheat oven to 160°C fan-assisted (traditional heat: 180°C). Mix 100g of melted butter, 30g of wholemeal sugar and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Add one egg and mix. Mix 100g of wheat and/or spelt and/or rye flour and…

  • Healthy Nutella

    Healthy Nutella

    This has a different taste from the famous Nutella jar but it tastes healthy and most people do like it (except for the Italians…). As far as I am concerned, I prefer this one; I can’t stand the overload of sugar and fat which hides all the other ingredients’ tastes. If you are a sugar…