Tag: ceo

  • Absences from work

    Absences from work

    Everyone talks about absence from work. But if you don’t show up for work, it’s professional misconduct and you can be fired for it. What we’re talking about is absence from work, which is justified by a sick leave, i.e. due to illness. To speak of absence from work without mentionning illness is to question…

  • 联合国的战争与和平


    (必要时使用谷歌翻译) 1961年,达格·哈马舍尔德秘书长希望在加丹加(刚果)建立联合国干涉权的飞机坠毁。纽约总秘书处前面的广场仍以他的名字命名。 Man accused of shooting down UN chief: ‘Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to …’ – The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jan/12/former-raf-pilot-shot-down-un-chief-dag-hammarskjold-1961-plane Dag Hammarskjöld’ – UN: http://www.un.org/depts/dhl/dag/time1960.htm 建立干涉权的项目落空了。这意味着当一个国家内发生冲突时,联合国不能干预。当一个国家向另一个国家宣战时,它只会干预。 Paix – Wikipedia: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paix#Paix_internationale 因此,联合国不会在刚果民主共和国,南斯拉夫,卢旺达,车臣或叙利亚干预或为时太晚。 Droit d’ingérence – Monde diplomatique: https://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/mav/49/VIDAL/55555 在海地或东帝汶等案件中,联合国在内部冲突时进行干预。这是因为没有商业利益给美国,法国,俄罗斯,中国和英国的总统带来压力。这很重要,因为他们是安全委员会的成员。 L’usage de la force par l’ONU – CAIRN info: https://www.cairn.info/revue-pouvoirs-2004-2-page-111.htm 伯纳德库什内尔重新提出了联合国干涉权的概念。他没有足够的支持,这个想法再次落空。 Bernard Kouchner – Wikipedia:…

  • War and Peace at the UN

    War and Peace at the UN

    In 1961, Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld’s plane, which wanted to establish a UN right of interference in Katanga (Congo), crashed. The square in front of the General Secretariat in New York still bears his name. Man accused of shooting down UN chief: ‘Sometimes you have to do things you don’t want to …’ – The…