Is Artificial Intelligence good for humans?
Our understanding of how the brain and AI (Artificial Intelligence) work has advanced considerably. The best model of the human brain we have today dates from the 1970s and is based on neural networks. For each characteristic, a knowledge or emotion is associated. We reconstruct concepts whenever we need them. Our memories are linked to…
Broken hearts, broken windows
Broken hearts, broken windows – #Love I’m just back from Paris and I found a miracle there: a clean city and Parisians forcing themselves to be super nice. It was obvious they were making a huge effort to be nice and to speak English; and they did manage and I am even more impressed by…
The optical illusion of “the dress”
The dress – Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_dress The science behind the dress colour illusion -The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/blog/2015/feb/27/science-thedress-colour-illusion-the-dress-blue-black-gold-white This shoe is the most maddening optical illusion since “The dress” – CNN: http://edition.cnn.com/2017/10/13/health/teal-gray-shoes-the-dress-optical-illusion-trnd/index.html