The Director and the Jedi
The process of filming as it should always be: Filming on schedule, no pressure A casting looking for talents rather than looks, with costumes designed according to the individuals. The revival of real sets, real props, puppeteers. A peaceful director with a strong vision but letting the actors do their jobs The Director and The Jedi…
Black hole
“You have to find out what you can’t know before you know you can’t, don’t you? (…) The point is people must think, people must go on thinking, they must try to extend the boundaries of knowledge and they don’t sometimes even know where to start. You don’t know where the boundaries are, do you?”…
Quand j’étais à l’école, La maîtresse me grondait parce que j’avais la tête dans les nuages. Cela me stressait et je n’arrivais pas à travailler. Maintenant je fais l’école à la maison. 2h me suffisent pour avoir de bien meilleurs résultats. Laissez-moi être moi-même. Aurianne Or Pour en savoir plus sur une éducation diversifiée, RDV…
Head in the clouds
Albert Einstein was considered at school as a bogus because he always had his head in the clouds. His name is now used as synonymous with genius. Is there a link between his scientific creativity and his state of mind? Many Studies prove that yes, there is one. For instance, Ut Na Sio and…
Tête dans les nuages
Albert Einstein était considéré à l’école comme un bon à rien parce qu’il avait toujours la tête dans les nuages. Son nom est désormais utilisé comme synonyme de génie. Y a-t-il un lien entre sa créativité scientifique et son état d’esprit voyageur? Nombre d’études prouvent que oui. Par exemple, Audrey Lamblin du CNRS affirme: “ Détachement par rapport…
I can’t be a tyrant without you all
La historia de un hombre obsesionado con el poder Looking for Richard (1996): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Looking_for_Richard “The film is Pacino’s directorial debut. It is both a performance of selected scenes of William Shakespeare’s Richard III and a broader examination of Shakespeare’s continuing role and relevance in popular culture. The film was featured at the Sundance Film Festivalin January 1996 and…
The Message Behind “Colors of The Wind”
The Message Behind “Colors Of The Wind”: https://www.theodysseyonline.com/the-message-behind-colors-of-the-wind Pocahontas | Colors of the Wind | Disney Sing-Along: Colors of the Wind | Wikipedia: Click here to read the article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colors_of_the_Wind “Schwartz wanted to write a song for the film wherein Pocahontas confronts the Eurocentrism of John Smith. “Colors of the Wind” was the first song…
The pill umbrella
Drug research went from the public to the private sector just before World War II, with the hope that economic incentive would enable more drug discoveries. Consumers would assume they would keep in mind common health interest, assuming they had humanitarian values… But it is not what has happened. Big pharmaceutical companies are driven by profit. They set…
Oh purée! du céleri-rave!
If you wish, you can add grated nutmeg, pepper or even lemongrass that you can cut and then put to infuse in the broth (remove well before blending). The higher the quality of the ingredients, the better the dish will be for your taste and health. Enjoy your meal! Two potatoes cross a road. They…