Trop chou – Cabbage recipe
For Chinese cabbage, Pet Sai cabbage, Napa cabbage, green cabbage, white cabbage, Pontoise cabbage, January King Cabbage, Bok Choy , Pak Choy cabbage or savoy cabbage. The healthier the ingredients, the tastier and healthier the recipe: seasonal, local, from the organic garden, AMAP, cooperative, organic permaculture, regenerative agriculture, label rouge, etc. Cut cabbage very finely.…
Trop chou – Recette de chou
Pour chou frisé, chou chinois, chou Pet Sai, Pakchoi, chou blanc, chou de Pontoise, ou chou de Milan. Plus les ingrédients sont sains, meilleure sera la recette au goût et pour la santé: de saison, local, du jardin bio, AMAP, coopérative, permaculture bio, agriculture régénérative, label rouge, etc. Couper le chou très fin. Les plonger…
My children’s favourite recipe. You can replace the squash with celeriac. The better the ingredients, the healthier and tastier the dish. Marmiton – Soupe 3C: http://www.marmiton.org/recettes/recette_soupe-3c-courge-carotte-coco_86222.aspx Passeport Santé Citrouille et Potiron: http://www.passeportsante.net/fr/Nutrition/EncyclopedieAliments/Fiche.aspx?doc=citrouille_nu Peel and cut squash and carrots into small pieces. Optionally, you can add a sweet potato. Place in a cast-iron casserole or pressure cooker…
For an everyday treat, or for daring to invite friends over. The leeks can be replaced by zucchinis with their skin. You can replace the curry with ras el-hanout. The better the ingredients, the healthier and tastier the dish. Make a leek fondue preferably in a cast-iron casserole dish: after washing and slicing the leeks,…
Le phare des idées de la Révolution, le triomphe des techniques et des sciences
The beacon of revolutionary ideas, the triumph of technology and science El faro de las ideas de la Revolución, el triunfo de la técnica y la ciencia Das Leuchtfeuer der Ideen der Revolution, der Triumph von Technik und Wissenschaft Eiffel, la guerre des tours – Arte: https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/108936-000-A/eiffel-la-guerre-des-tours/
Healthy Soda
Half a lemon juice + 1 liter of sparkling water = ça mousse (foam) You can also add slices of fresh ginger roots and add them to this drink. You can also make variations to this recipe: it works with oranges, strawberries, grapefruits or anything you like. The Guardian – Grandma’s all-natural recipes: when life…
My personal Henna recipe:
My personal Henna recipe: If your hair is tinted with chemicals, make a detox mask first. 1. Prepare the mixture without using metal utensils. 1 egg (nourishing the hair) 1 black beer (bringing volume) 60g of neutral henna (sheathing your hair ―do not use natural henna = lawsonia inermis which tints in red) 70g of…