“No Sir. In comparison with a great many men, I know that I am a fool”…
‘No, sir. In comparison with a great many men, I know that I am a fool. Perhaps it is because I know that, that I am a Conservative. The Radicals are always saying that a Conservative must be a fool. Then a fool ought to be a Conservative.’ The Duke’s children – Anthony Trollope Chapter…
Quelle époque!
Le Front National est ouvertement raciste et il est condamés. Les Sarkozystes et les Macronistes s’en prennent aux “fainéants”, aux illétrés, aux personnes âgées, aux manifestants, aux “gens qui ne font rien”, aux “décivilisés”, aux migrants qu’il faudrait ne plus soigner, quand ils utilisent les violences policières. Il y a une grande similarité entre ce…