
Meat and environment, is that possible?

No, if meat is responsible for the current pollution, it does not mean that we should stop eating meat.

There will always be meat (old hens, cows, etc.) because without it, we would have to produce much more fruit and vegetables to provide the protein we need. And vitamin B12 is found exclusively in animal products. What’s more, animals are necessary for soil fertility.

On the other hand, it is possible to eat less meat and only meat that is produced in a much more environmentally friendly and animal friendly production system. Less but better quality, that’s what we did with the wine! Cattle, in particular, can find grass in marginal pastures (roadsides, embankments, mountains, waste, etc.) without having to gain land on agricultural and forest land (corn, wheat, etc.). Water consumption linked to the production of maize and soya to feed livestock is a major source of pollution.

Livestock is not the result of natural selection but of human selection. Species are selected for particular conditions (disease resistance for example) but they can also be selected according to environmental criteria (a cow that metabolizes grass better and produces less CO2). 28% of animal pollution is related to the control of diseases due to their concentration. Due to diseases linked to animal concentration, animals are pumped full of antibiotics, increasing the risk of resurgence of antibiotic-resistant diseases. This is dangerous for human and animal health.

There is a huge margin for reducing pollution (CO2 and methane) by changing production methods (breeding and animal selection). “For example, in Japan, 52% of waste from the food industry is now used as livestock feed, thanks to adequate policies and a certification system” (FAO).

Livestock solutions for climate change – FAO:

Veggieworld: Why eating greens won’t save the planet | New Scientist:

En Français dans Courrier International, Renoncer à la viande est une fausse bonne idée:

Livestock and landscapes – FAO:

CETA is a democratic crime because it allows Canada to sell products in Europe that do not respect the environment, animals, workers and consumers. This is unfair to European workers who are bound by standards. It is up to Europe and North America to adapt and adopt a more environmentally friendly industry because, in addition, they alone account for half of the world’s pollution.

Translated with

How to green the world’s deserts and reverse ClimateChange | Allan Savory | TEDTalks:  

CO2 Global World Atlas – greenhouse gases data:

CETA threatens food safety even before national parliaments sign off – Green Peace:

French parliament approves controversial EU-Canada trade deal CETA:

Voiture , Industrie , viande … Quelles sont les causes du réchauffement climatique  en France ? – Le Monde:

Qui peut-on manger?

However, it would be illusory to want to eat the meat substitutes sold by manufacturers. It’s better to replace meat with leguminous plants such as beans, lentils or chickpeas.

Effects of different processing degrees of plant-based meat on the blood biochemical level, inflammation and intestinal microorganisms in mice:

La viande végétale n’est pas si bonne que ça pour la santé:

Swiss veg:

Aurianne Or by Aurianne Or is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0