
Fed up with strikes? Ask for referendums!

Fed up with strikes? Ask for referendum!

It’s not up to the streets nor the government to decide, it’s up to the people!

Strikes and revolutions don’t always lead to democracy. Sometimes they even lead to dictatorship. This is described in George Orwell’s Animal Farm. Another example is the Arab Spring revolutions. Beware of great liberators, the people must act for themselves.

Animal Farm – George Orwell – Wikipedia:

Arab Spring – Wikipedia:

Petit Cheminot (La Chanson du Dimanche S02E05):

“Faire faire la grève à 20 millions d’employés, c’est pas un problème. Mais leur faire reprendre le boulot quand les négociations n’ont pas abouti, c’est autre chose” Coluche dans Le Syndicaliste.

Germinal (Emile Zola’s novel) – Wikipedia:

There is a film adaptation: Germinal – IMDB:

Number Of National Referendums Held In Each European Country’s History – Brillant maps:

It’s better to ask for more democracy with the popular initiative referendum than to go on strike, which costs strikers money and puts them at risk in the face of repression. Civic disobedience only allows you to turn the public opinion against you and end up in prison.
It would be better to have organized citizens where everyone can express their ideas and improve situations by listening to everyone. A new kind of union could put in place structures to enable citizens to inform themselves, and would be at the service of workers, putting in place structures to gather citizens’ opinions and votes.
Boycotts and work-to-rule strikes work. Strikes only work if the police and army are on the side of direct democracy, of the people.

Aurianne Or by Aurianne Or is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0