Under the EU-Mercosur agreement, goods circulate freely without controls or taxes. There is a health risk for consumers in Europe. We will be creating production conditions that are deplorable in social, human health, animal welfare and environmental terms. For example, 27% of the pesticides used by Brazilian farmers are banned in Europe. Many companies in Europe are relocating to make more profit while polluting in peace. Many employees in the agri-food industry will lose their jobs. Doing over there what is banned here and still selling at the same price or cheaper, that’s the aim of this agreement.
Most people suffer from inflation. Governments think they can win votes by offering cheaper products. It’s a very short-term calculation.
Destroying the income of European farmers means jeopardizing their food security. Industrialists are going to move their processing plants as close as possible to producers, i.e. to Latin America. A whole economic fabric will disappear. In the medium term, there will be unemployment in Europe, which means higher taxes to avoid poverty.
Opening up to China has destroyed a huge number of jobs in Europe, once the wonder of low-cost products has passed. Chinese products have very low environmental standards, which we all suffer from, and quality standards that are impossible to control, leading to health scandals (e.g. milk powder containing toxic products in 2008, cooking oil transported in gasoline containers in 2024, baby toys painted with lead paint in 2007, etc.).
Europe has already made the triple mistake of outsourcing its security to the United States, its energy to Russia and its prosperity to China. Let’s not make the huge mistake of entrusting its food to South America. These are not consumer goods to be left to merchants. They are the pillars of our civilizations. They must be regulated by the public authorities (government or European Union) to guarantee prices, social standards and environmental norms. If there were less inequality, people would be able to pay the right price. The ultra-rich must be taxed.
Since the European Union is not run democratically, its citizens have no say in the matter. This is a denial of democracy and a denial of justice, because all disputes are to be handled by an arbitration tribunal made up not of jurists but of industrialists.
We must give our votes to candidates who are against the EU-Mercosur agreement and in favour of the European Parliament taking power, in favour of the sovereignty of the European Parliament.
In the Jeu de Paume oath of 20 June 1789, the members of French parliament proclaimed themselves to be the supreme authority in the expression of democracy and affirmed that the executive was at their service. “It is for the elected representatives alone to help form the national will, and since all the representatives must be in this assembly, it is still essential to conclude that it is for it and for it alone to interpret and present the general will of the nation”.
The Members of the European Parliament must also declare the sovereignty of the European Parliament. Europe is the world’s largest market. Trade with the rest of the world must comply with environmental and social standards.
Farmers, environmentalists slam ‘sell-out’ EU-Mercosur trade deal – France 24: https://www.france24.com/en/20190629-eu-south-america-agriculture-trade-mercosur-farmers-environmentalists
L’accord du MERCOSUR : une menace pour l’agriculture européenne ?: https://journalisme.ulb.ac.be/laccord-du-mercosur-une-menace-pour-lagriculture-europeenne/
For people and the planet, say no to EU-MERCOSUR: https://www.greens-efa.eu/en/campaigns/mercosur
Mercosur : une nouvelle étude alerte sur les dangers de l’accord! – Le sillon belge: https://www.sillonbelge.be/11248/article/2023-06-28/mercosur-une-nouvelle-etude-alerte-sur-les-dangers-de-laccord
Parti Pirate – Programme – Européennes 2024: https://europeennes.partipirate.org/soccivile.html
Jacques-Louis David – Serment du Jeu de paume, le 20 juin 1789: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jacques-Louis_David_-Serment_du_Jeu_de_paume,_le_20_juin_1789–P67–musée_Carnavalet-_0.jpg
Élections européennes 2024: https://elections.europa.eu/fr/
Pour un référendum sur l’accord UE Mercosur – Les écologistes: https://lesecologistes.fr/posts/4T8OuMQy5sau0GiRAbursX/pour-un-referendum-sur-l-accord-ue-mercosur
Los agricultores españoles estallan contra Mercosur: “Están acabando con la agricultura europea” – Euronews: https://es.euronews.com/2024/11/19/los-agricultores-espanoles-estallan-contra-mercosur-estan-acabando-con-la-agricultura-euro