Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtuz5OmOh_M)
Better Factory Cambodia
BFC improves labour conditions and the profitability of the garment industry through a combination of factory assessments, tailored training for both workers and managers, factory advisory services, and public disclosure of working conditions on factory floors. Better Work in South Asia: https://betterwork.org/blog/2016/10/20/op-ed-better-factories-cambodia-and-its-15-year-journey Kering has included ilo conventions in its internal regulations since 2015. Look at…
Two for the road
They make something wonderful out of being alive.
Gold (2016): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1800302
Dinosaur on the road
– Oh! There is still something we’d like to tell you … – Ah? – Nothing serious. It’s just that the police came to school to explain how to be safe on the road to the children. They explained the signs, how to cross the street … That sort of thing. When they finished, they asked if there were any questions. – And…
Dinosaure sur la route
– Ah ! Il faut quand même qu’on vous dise… – Ah ? – Rien de grave. C’est juste que les policiers sont venus à l’école pour expliquer la sécurité routière aux enfants. Ils ont expliqué les panneaux, comment il faut traverser la rue… Ce genre de chose. Quand ils ont fini, ils ont demandé s’il y avait…
Explosion Volcanique
– Oh non ! Quel désastre ! Il y a du chocolat chaud partout, même dans les rainures du lave-vaisselle. – Il faut nettoyer tout de suite, sans quoi le lait va pourrir. Sur ce, Bixente alla chercher la serpillère espagnole ainsi que des éponges. Bachué se rendit dans le salon pour prévenir ses amis. Tout en explosant de rire, elle…