Author: aurianneor

  • Home sweet Home — just bigger and easier to clean and tidy…

    Home sweet Home — just bigger and easier to clean and tidy…

    “Have you used this in the last 10 months? – Nope. – Do you have a good reason to keep it or is it one of your favourite thing? – Nope. – Then, give it to charities! – I’d rather sell it. – Ok, if it feels better, sell it.” You don’t even know what’s…

  • You won’t believe what Obama says

    You won’t believe what Obama says

    This has been made within a few hours with simple tools. Imagine what could achieve a team of well-equipped professionals. – Watch Jordan Peele use AI to make Barack Obama deliver a PSA about fake news: – BBC – Deepfakes porn has serious consequences: – The Verge – Deepfakes are disappearing from parts of the web,…

  • Believe in yourself and go for it

    Believe in yourself and go for it
  • Oh! C’est haut!

    Oh! C’est haut!

    J’ai travaillé au salon de l’auto, Ils m’ont mis des talons hauts, J’ai passé mon temps à courir Je me suis cassé la cheville, Et puis le dos. Elle a travaillé dans un hôtel 5 étoiles, A la réception, en talons hauts, OK, ça doit le faire… Mais pas quand il faut se presser Pour…

  • Facing the real me: looking in the mirror with natural hair

    Facing the real me: looking in the mirror with natural hair

    Why don’t the characters have natural hair in period films? Costumes, sets and hairstyles are very carefully thought out, and the actors have chemically dyed hair…

  • Golden Rivers and Freedom wars

    Golden Rivers and Freedom wars

    American made – Iran–Contra affair:–Contra_affair – American made film: The Night Manager (novel) – The Night Manager – novel – Wikipedia: – United States involvement in regime change – Wikipedia: Air America  – Air America (airline), a former civilian airline operated by the Central Intelligence Agency: – Air America (film), a 1990 film adaptation of…

  • Broccoli Tree

    Broccoli Tree

    Change a plane tree into broccoli, why?? – La taille des platanes, c’est tout un art! – Signé Genève: As for chard, here is an healthy and easy recipe : Cut the blett in small pieces. (Optional, I add a celery stalk, cut into small pieces as well). Melt them in hot olive oil in a…

  • L’arbre-brocoli


    Changer un arbre en brocoli, pourquoi?? – La taille des platanes, c’est tout un art! – Signé Genève: Quant aux côte de bette, les blettes quoi, je vous propose une recette saine et facile: Couper les blettes en petits bouts. (Facultatif, j’y ajoute une branche de céleri en petits bouts également. Les faire fondre dans…

  • Stephen Wiltshire, un savant autiste qui a trouvé son chemin

    Stephen Wiltshire, un savant autiste qui a trouvé son chemin

    Stephen Wiltshire, est un artiste autiste doté d’une mémoire eidétique (syndrome du savant), il est connu pour sa capacité à dessiner un paysage dans les moindres détails après l’avoir vu pendant peu de temps, ce qui lui a valu le surnom d’homme caméra. (Wikipedia – Pour voir plus de photos, allez sur Google Image:…

  • StephenWiltshire, an autistic savant who has found his way

    StephenWiltshire, an autistic savant who has found his way

    StephenWiltshire is an architectural artist and autistic savant. He is known for his ability to draw from memory a landscape after seeing it just once. (Wikipedia: To view more pictures, go on Google Image: Stephen Wiltshire or on his website: